2023 Social Media Awards

Thanking all those around the world who used social media to help make sense of the pandemic

Nominee Profile
  • Job title/position Medical Doctor | Healthcare Influencer
  • Organization SMILE With Me Foundation | Dr Zobo
A 2019 study revealed that out of 200 Million Nigerians, over 93 million have access to the internet. The pandemic increased this number, because while we were physically separated, social media united us. With it also came misinformation and disinformation which was counterproductive to all the efforts made to curb the pandemic. Hence the need to repurpose this same tool to fact check and disseminate verified health information to protect the masses. Through my social platform @Drzobo I provided over 5 million weekly users with helpful information on how to stay safe from the pandemic. I also linked them with accessible Covid and non COVID19 related healthcare services. This was a life saver. I recommend more health institutions adequately leverage social media in the fight against infectious diseases.
Votes received

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