2023 Social Media Awards

Thanking all those around the world who used social media to help make sense of the pandemic

Nominee Profile
  • Job title/position Professor in Evolutionary Biology & Biostatistics
  • Organization KU Leuven
As a professor specializing in evolutionary biology and biostatistics, I always liked to share exciting new scientific findings. During the pandemic, social media gained further in importance, allowing us to provide real-time updates on the epidemiological situation, share new research findings or offering a platform for support and solidarity in these isolating times. In the face of widespread misinformation, the role of scientists on social media cannot be underestimated. By sharing evidence-based findings and updates on Covid it was possible to counter pseudoscience and help the public gain a deeper understanding of science and the scientific method in general. In this way, I was able to help shape a more informed public opinion and influence scientifically sound policy-making. Moreover, this isn't just about the here and now. Transparent communication of science makes it more accessible, bridging the gap between academia and the general public. It fosters trust, inspires future scientists, and, in the long run, builds a society that values and understands the importance of science.
Votes received

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