Odds are that you’re reading this blog through Google Chrome, the most popular web browser in the world. Now, one of Chrome’s creators and a former Google VP, has bigger ambitions than mere browser domination.
Linus Upson wants to defeat malaria, dengue, and other mosquito-born diseases through genetically engineering the pernicious insects. Re/code reported on the details in an article full of tantalizing hints and rumors. With Google resources behind the project, it will be interesting to see what comes of it.
Of course, Upson and Google aren’t the first to consider genetic modification in the fight against malaria. The Gates Foundation has invested along these lines as well.
To learn more about the technique used to “edit” genes, check out Re/code’s earlier piece about the same genetic engineer Google has apparently consulted. If you’re into podcasts, RadioLab has a great explainer on genetic editing and CRISPR techniques.
For a problem as big as malaria, there are countless innovations and innovators. Whether you’re crafting an app, researching a vaccine, or tweaking mosquitoes on the genetic level, we want to hear about it in the Social Media Awards: Malaria Heroes.