
International malaria organizations partner with social media award categories

Last week, we were thrilled to announce partnerships with six international malaria organizations. The Awards Partners reflect the broad range of actors and activities involved in the fight to defeat malaria, from advocacy organizations and policy alliances, to scientific research centres and implementing agencies.

Each partner is associated with one of the Award categories:


Starting on Wednesday August 12th, these partners took to social media to publicize their involvement and boost the number of nominations in their categories. You can follow the latest updates and malaria news from all the partners here, or click on the links below to check out their individual profiles:

APLMA: APLMA has an active social media presence on Twitter and Facebook, sharing news on malaria elimination in the Asia Pacific, artemisinin resistance, and regional health security.

ISGlobalFollow ISGlobal on Twitter, Facebook and Vimeo to stay abreast of the latest research and insights from a vibrant community of global health researchers.

MMV: On the cutting edge of malaria drug discovery, development and delivery; check out MMV’s Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts.

MNM: Malaria No More’s Twitter and Facebook profiles provide a platform for their wide-reaching advocacy campaigns, aimed at engaging leaders and rallying the public to defeat malaria.

RBM: For mainstream malaria news and updates on the campaign for action and investment to defeat malaria, head over to RBM’s Twitter and Facebook accounts. You can also connect with them on YouTube, Flickr, and LinkedIn.

UNDP: The large scope of UNDP’s development work across sectors and around world is reflected by its social media presence. Connect with the organization on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.  

Support our partners in their search for malaria heroes and nominate your malaria hero today.


KarasevprRG KarasevprRG

2021-08-02 09:21

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