Awalludin Sutamihardja


He is actively promote malaria awareness in medsos. He is also a malaria researcher since 1992. Starting as malaria microscopist in West Papua, Indonesia. He has promote malaria awareness and work to fight malaria many malaria endemic areas such as Indonesia, Vanuatu, Cambodia, Navy lab in Maryland USA, working at NIH USA, Tanzania, Zanzibar, and now Vietnam. He is guru for microscopist for PFSPZ malaria vaccine accross Africa. He has involved in the making of Malaria Training Centre in Waikabubak of Sumba Island. He promote his work into sosmed to inspire others to make malaria only a history.


Wahyuni Abriningsih

2015-11-06 00:05

Good luck pak Awal...!!!

Kikin Mutaqin

2015-11-05 22:09

Success for you, Kang Awal!

wanwan herawan

2015-11-05 20:26

Sukses Kang Awal..Go for it..!!

iis trisna

2015-11-05 19:28

Maju terus pantang mundur! Bravo kang awal

Rita Hasikin

2015-11-05 16:55

Okelah..good luck masbro!

Ari Raharjo

2015-11-05 16:02

Bravo my friend!!! Go forward.....

NAncy Richie

2015-11-05 15:52

Awalludin, you deserve it, good luck!

Yulia Fitri

2015-11-05 15:38

Let's destroy all malaria plasmodium Om Awal...

Haditya LM

2015-11-05 15:12

Yeyy Cool... Sukses ya Mas

Hasan Basri

2015-11-04 21:20

I had been work with Awal for more than twenty years. Great Awaluddin. Youare always doing great jobs so far. Go onward. Do your best

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