Awalludin Sutamihardja


He is actively promote malaria awareness in medsos. He is also a malaria researcher since 1992. Starting as malaria microscopist in West Papua, Indonesia. He has promote malaria awareness and work to fight malaria many malaria endemic areas such as Indonesia, Vanuatu, Cambodia, Navy lab in Maryland USA, working at NIH USA, Tanzania, Zanzibar, and now Vietnam. He is guru for microscopist for PFSPZ malaria vaccine accross Africa. He has involved in the making of Malaria Training Centre in Waikabubak of Sumba Island. He promote his work into sosmed to inspire others to make malaria only a history.


boren Huot

2015-11-04 20:17

I am in Cambodia. I support Pa Awalludin.

Sara Canavati

2015-11-04 19:45

I had already endorsed Awalludin previously but I would like to leave a message to show not only my support but also my respect to his advocacy work!

Mwinyi Msellem

2015-11-04 01:07

He is guru among gurus, Zanzibar has witnessed his innovation and good experiences. We go after him

femmy salsabila

2015-11-03 22:39

sukses terus ya kakek Awal !! ^-^

Neisya Putri

2015-11-03 16:25

Selamat dan sukses ya kakek awal ......☺

dwi irma

2015-11-03 15:53


Alfa Kautsar

2015-11-03 00:48

Sukses om! :D

Sarah Naomi

2015-11-03 00:17

A pioneer of malaria diagnostics quality improvement!! I have worked with Awal for three years, in Tanzania, to improve malaria diagnostics. A very experienced malaria diagnostics expert, who greatly contributed in improving the quality of malaria diagnostics in both malaria research settings and in the community at large. Through accurate diagnosis many lives are saved by getting prompt, timely and accurate treatment! My vote for you!

Fery Hasan

2015-10-14 04:54

Inspiring .. Sukses selalu Pak semoga lebih banyak generasi Musa Indonesia mengikuti langkah bapak From fery hasan APDC DO JCI Indonesia

wulan daru

2015-10-13 23:24

Sukses ya... coachwulan JCI Indonesia

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