Awalludin Sutamihardja


He is actively promote malaria awareness in medsos. He is also a malaria researcher since 1992. Starting as malaria microscopist in West Papua, Indonesia. He has promote malaria awareness and work to fight malaria many malaria endemic areas such as Indonesia, Vanuatu, Cambodia, Navy lab in Maryland USA, working at NIH USA, Tanzania, Zanzibar, and now Vietnam. He is guru for microscopist for PFSPZ malaria vaccine accross Africa. He has involved in the making of Malaria Training Centre in Waikabubak of Sumba Island. He promote his work into sosmed to inspire others to make malaria only a history.


M Adib Fikri

2015-10-13 23:15

We are from JCI Indonesia support Pa Awalludin, semoga Sukses!

irfan aulia

2015-10-13 20:32

From jci depok we support you

Yadual Nilfa Adri

2015-10-13 20:08

Sukses utk anda pa awaluddin... Y.N.Adri President Rumah Relawan 2014 Past NVP JCI Indonesia

Helma Agustiawan

2015-10-13 20:03

We are from JCI Indonesia support Pa Awalludin, semoga Sukses!

Agung Weda

2015-10-13 19:57

We are from jci indonesia supporting you brother. Tetap hebat dalam kemanusiaan. #yess... :)

Harry Warganegara Harun

2015-10-13 19:41

Good luck pak, we support you

Awalludin Sutamihardja

2015-08-22 04:08

He is actively promote malaria awareness in medsos. He is also a malaria researcher since 1992. Starting as malaria microscopist in West Papua, Indonesia. He has promote malaria awareness and work to fight malaria many malaria endemic areas such as Indonesia, Vanuatu, Cambodia, Navy lab in Maryland USA, working at NIH USA, Tanzania, Zanzibar, and now Vietnam. He is guru for microscopist for PFSPZ malaria vaccine accross Africa. He has involved in the making of Malaria Training Centre in Waikabubak of Sumba Island. He promote his work into sosmed to inspire others to make malaria only a history.

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