Cameron Conaway

Nominated for


Cameron Conaway

United states

Cameron Conaway is the author of five books, including "Malaria, Poems," named by NPR as one of the Best Books of 2014. His work has appeared in publications such as Newsweek, The Guardian and Reuters, and has been supported by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the International Reporting Project, the United Nations Foundation, Rotary International and the Wellcome Trust.


Awalludin Sutamihardja

2015-11-04 18:33

His tweets enrich me! and making me tweets others to tweets.

Gloria Banks

2015-10-14 06:40

I continue to be in awe of Cameron's passion and determination to spread the word about the dreaded disease malaria. Through his poetry he inspires us all to understand and continue this fight. The fact that he informs us through poetry is an added bonus. He continues to make his 2nd grade teacher proud. I am honored to be able to read his works and vote for him.

Sara Canavati

2015-10-13 21:44

Cameron Conaway's advocacy efforts through social media towards the fight against malaria can't be undermined. I first met Cameron at the Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting in Bangkok in 2010. He read three malaria poems that he had written and I was shocked by the power of poetry in malaria. I have since then kept close contact with him. He covers the ASTMH meetings and is very enthusiastic about malaria research and progress and getting the message out to the public using any possible communication means. It is a true privilege for me to vote for him!

Alessandro Lauria

2015-06-30 07:19

Cameron is awesome and inspiring person who spreads the word about defeating malaria in a time when we need malaria warriors more than ever. Glad he is on our side of the fight!

Mariam Bhacker

2015-06-24 02:21

Cameron's Malaria Poems inject much-needed emphathy and humanity into a tired narrative. As well as using art as a tool for public advocacy, Cameron continues to draw attention to malaria in op-eds and commentary on his Twitter profile.

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