Ibrahim Kiche

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Ibrahim Kiche


Ibrahim Kiche is a research assistant working on SolarMal Project as Manager-Health Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) and Lead Field Staff on the Project research operations. He has previously worked as a Station Manager at Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine, Mbita Station for four years, Community Liaison in Grassroots Project – JICA (Nagasaki Project for one year), Capacity Building Officer, and Project Manager/Project Leader ChildFund Projects in Lake Region for seven years. He supported the establishment of a community based project dealing with malaria control on Rusinga Island since 2001 to date. He has certificates in Parasitology and Entomology as well as Managerial Methods of Malaria Surveillance and Control in Africa, Malaria microscopy from Walter Reed Project-Malaria Diagnostic Centre, Monitoring and Evaluation, Epidemiology course (elective), Counseling and Testing, Psychosocial Support, Public Health in Emergencies, corporate governance, Participatory Reflection and Action (PRA), Project Planning, Design, Management and Policy Formulations, Good Laboratory Practice/Good Clinical Laboratory Practices among many other development & research operation studies. He is trained on Nutrition and Dietetics from Kenyatta University and Community Health and Development from Great Lakes University of Kisumu.


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