Kobby Blay

Nominated for


Kobby Blay


An ardent professional Nurse with focus for touching more lives through Communications & Digital Innovations. Founder of an award winning Health Blog www.ghanahealthnest.com, an avid health blogger/journalist, community activist and a Health Communications and Social Media Leader. He is bent on building a world without malaria, and free of diseases and worry.


Paa Kwesi Inkumsah

2015-09-04 05:35

I wish you the very best. Keep shining, continue impacting and Gods speed to you.

Ernest Gavor

2015-08-14 06:21

Kobby Blay is an inspiring public interest health professional. He is celebrated for establishing a health blog to share timely and relevant news and info on health. Kobby is widely known for using social media to update citizens on trends and developments on malaria and general health; providing trainings on good use of online tools, advocacy and community engagement in ways to build knowledge and defeat malaria. Founder of an award winning health blog. A professional nurse with focus on ICT for health improvement in Africa.

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