Kritika Singh

Kritika Singh is a malaria researcher, and a junior at TJHSST in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. She founded Malaria Free World, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, to raise awareness about malaria research and eradication. Malaria Free World aims to get more youth involved in the fight against malaria. Kritika effectively uses the social media to organize educational events, launch programs to get everyone excited about a malaria free world. She is also actively studying the socioeconomic, medical, and cultural challenges that need to be understood to outsmart the malaria mosquito and parasite to help the world get rid of the deadliest disease in human history.


Alessandro Lauria

2015-07-22 05:40

It was great to meet Kritika last year at her Malaria Free World event. Nice to meet someone my age also inspired to help defeat malaria. It is an honor to be nominated along with her for this award. Together we can help to make this a malaria free world! Alessandro Lauria - Founder - Malaria Defense Project

Jaipal Singh

2015-07-08 18:17

Kritika Singh is doing great work ! Major Public Health Problem of World, and also vision to Malaria free world.

Cansu Moral

2015-07-05 09:54

I admire Kritika so much! She came to my school, Fields Road Elementary School, and gave a powerful presentation about malaria and its dangers. It was an honor for all my fellow 5th graders to host the Malaria Free World team. We learned to much and the presentation was such an eye opener.

Alpa Agarwal

2015-06-30 16:54

Kritika Singh is doing great work! Malaria has become very common in cities such as Mumbai, India. From an exception, its now become common place. Kritika's work is globally impactful!

hemant bankhede

2015-06-07 21:37

Kritika singh aged 18 years, is founder and CEO for Malaria free world. Malaria free world is non profit organization is an active advocate for malaria research and eradication. Through hosting educational events and fundraisers, aim to raise awareness for the malaria epidemic, as well as foster scientific innovation for young and aspiring scientists. for more information please visit

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