Since age 8, Naomi S. Kodama, (now 17), has worked with the United Nations Foundation’s malaria eradication campaign, “Nothing But Nets.” Recognized by the United Nations Foundation as the 25th Champion of Nothing But Nets in 2011, (in 7th grade), Naomi has continued to work on different campaigns alongside Nothing But Nets, and has traveled to Mali, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa to deliver malaria bed nets, books, and stuffed animals to various orphanages and childcare centers. When she is at home attending school, Naomi puts forth an effort to create awareness about malaria, and works to involve her peers. However, spreading the “buzz” does not end within the limits of the classroom. When she was 13, Naomi was invited to speak at a high school in Mainz, Germany, and when she was 14, she was invited to speak at the United Nations Foundation Headquarters as a part of the United Nations Youth Ambassadors program, and has spoken as a part of that program in other years at the United Nations Headquarters and UNICEF Headquarters. She also spoke about malaria on behalf of Nothing But Nets at the Social Good Summit in New York in 2013: an event with over 2 million twitter followings that was broadcasted live to over 100 countries in 7 different languages. Founding member of United Nations – Nothing But Nets Champions Council, Naomi was recently recognized this September 2015, as Outstanding Student Leader by the St. Louis County, MO, USA.
Sérgio Nakamura
2015-09-05 00:46
Parabéns pelo trabalho e indicação mais do que merecida!!!
Cricri Lammers
2015-09-05 00:21
Keep up the great work Naomi! Many greetings from Port-Gentil (Gabon)
fred Dubee
2015-09-04 23:45
Naomi is a true leader. A person who is committed to the cause and to the wellbeing of all stakeholders ( with the possible exception of malaria carrying mosquitos)
Heidy Feliz
2015-09-04 21:02
Naomi, has crecido sirviendo a otros y eso no tiene precio! Espero que esta nominación y este premio te motive a continuar con tan loable labor.
Desde Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, te auguramos los mayores éxitos.
Yogesh Chandak
2015-09-04 20:08
Keep it up Naomi, you are really doing a great job. My best wishes are always with you and your family. Make your parents proud.
Marcia Emy Hirakawa
2015-09-04 19:57
Parabéns pelo que vem desenvolvendo desde pequena ! Toda a contribuição e esforço em deixar esse mundo melhor é muito válido e precioso. Te desejo sorte e muito sucessooooo !!! Sei que vc não parará por aqui ... Um forte Abraçooooooo !!!
Paul Lammers
2015-09-04 19:49
Focused, strong, caring!
Sandra Endo
2015-09-04 19:05
Parabéns Naomi, desde muito pequenina pensando e agindo para ajudar e levar solidariedade aos que dela necessitam. Grande exemplo de humanidade.
Gabriela Filippini
2015-09-04 18:01
Continúa con tu excelente trabajo. Te conozco desde que eras una niña y eres realmente inspiradora y un modelo a seguir. Saludos desde Rosario, Argentina
Koichi Morii
2015-09-04 17:34
Naomi-san! congratulations! !
Keep up the great work!!!!!
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Naomi Kodama
Since age 8, Naomi S. Kodama, (now 17), has worked with the United Nations Foundation’s malaria eradication campaign, “Nothing But Nets.” Recognized by the United Nations Foundation as the 25th Champion of Nothing But Nets in 2011, (in 7th grade), Naomi has continued to work on different campaigns alongside Nothing But Nets, and has traveled to Mali, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa to deliver malaria bed nets, books, and stuffed animals to various orphanages and childcare centers. When she is at home attending school, Naomi puts forth an effort to create awareness about malaria, and works to involve her peers. However, spreading the “buzz” does not end within the limits of the classroom. When she was 13, Naomi was invited to speak at a high school in Mainz, Germany, and when she was 14, she was invited to speak at the United Nations Foundation Headquarters as a part of the United Nations Youth Ambassadors program, and has spoken as a part of that program in other years at the United Nations Headquarters and UNICEF Headquarters. She also spoke about malaria on behalf of Nothing But Nets at the Social Good Summit in New York in 2013: an event with over 2 million twitter followings that was broadcasted live to over 100 countries in 7 different languages. Founding member of United Nations – Nothing But Nets Champions Council, Naomi was recently recognized this September 2015, as Outstanding Student Leader by the St. Louis County, MO, USA.
Sérgio Nakamura
2015-09-05 00:46Parabéns pelo trabalho e indicação mais do que merecida!!!
Cricri Lammers
2015-09-05 00:21Keep up the great work Naomi! Many greetings from Port-Gentil (Gabon)
fred Dubee
2015-09-04 23:45Naomi is a true leader. A person who is committed to the cause and to the wellbeing of all stakeholders ( with the possible exception of malaria carrying mosquitos)
Heidy Feliz
2015-09-04 21:02Naomi, has crecido sirviendo a otros y eso no tiene precio! Espero que esta nominación y este premio te motive a continuar con tan loable labor. Desde Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, te auguramos los mayores éxitos.
Yogesh Chandak
2015-09-04 20:08Keep it up Naomi, you are really doing a great job. My best wishes are always with you and your family. Make your parents proud.
Marcia Emy Hirakawa
2015-09-04 19:57Naomi, Parabéns pelo que vem desenvolvendo desde pequena ! Toda a contribuição e esforço em deixar esse mundo melhor é muito válido e precioso. Te desejo sorte e muito sucessooooo !!! Sei que vc não parará por aqui ... Um forte Abraçooooooo !!!
Paul Lammers
2015-09-04 19:49Focused, strong, caring!
Sandra Endo
2015-09-04 19:05Parabéns Naomi, desde muito pequenina pensando e agindo para ajudar e levar solidariedade aos que dela necessitam. Grande exemplo de humanidade.
Gabriela Filippini
2015-09-04 18:01Continúa con tu excelente trabajo. Te conozco desde que eras una niña y eres realmente inspiradora y un modelo a seguir. Saludos desde Rosario, Argentina
Koichi Morii
2015-09-04 17:34Naomi-san! congratulations! ! Keep up the great work!!!!!