Naomi Kodama

Since age 8, Naomi S. Kodama, (now 17), has worked with the United Nations Foundation’s malaria eradication campaign, “Nothing But Nets.” Recognized by the United Nations Foundation as the 25th Champion of Nothing But Nets in 2011, (in 7th grade), Naomi has continued to work on different campaigns alongside Nothing But Nets, and has traveled to Mali, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa to deliver malaria bed nets, books, and stuffed animals to various orphanages and childcare centers. When she is at home attending school, Naomi puts forth an effort to create awareness about malaria, and works to involve her peers. However, spreading the “buzz” does not end within the limits of the classroom. When she was 13, Naomi was invited to speak at a high school in Mainz, Germany, and when she was 14, she was invited to speak at the United Nations Foundation Headquarters as a part of the United Nations Youth Ambassadors program, and has spoken as a part of that program in other years at the United Nations Headquarters and UNICEF Headquarters. She also spoke about malaria on behalf of Nothing But Nets at the Social Good Summit in New York in 2013: an event with over 2 million twitter followings that was broadcasted live to over 100 countries in 7 different languages. Founding member of United Nations – Nothing But Nets Champions Council, Naomi was recently recognized this September 2015, as Outstanding Student Leader by the St. Louis County, MO, USA.


Elisabete Beuren

2015-09-13 11:52

Parabéns, Naomi! Sucesso

Shine Bhaskaran

2015-09-13 04:11

Best wishes Naomi... We admire your passion and all action for the fight against malaria. Your contributions for making a better world is remarkable. God bless you.

Marcelo Vicente

2015-09-12 13:47

Parabéns Naomi, desejo muita sorte e que vc continue ajudando a quem precisa! Marcelo Vicente - Jacareí /SP - Brasil

Gladys Gist

2015-09-11 16:31

I have known Naomi since she was a baby and I'm very happy to see that she has become an outstanding young leader. It's an honor for me to endorse her. Greetings from Miami, Florida.

Laercio Kitaguchi

2015-09-11 11:22

Naomi Parabéns pela iniciativa!! Boa sorte e bom trabalho!! Que continue neste belíssimo espírito!! Takao - São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil

Otoniel Ortega Oseguera

2015-09-10 09:44

Naomi recibe mi reconocimiento por tu gran labor en beneficio de los más necesitados, esperando que tu ejemplo motive a más jovenes a trabajar unidos por un mundo mejor. Saludos desde San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. México

Sachiko Hoshi

2015-09-10 07:10

素晴らしいです。尚美さんの活動はマラリアに苦しむ人々にとって大きな心の支えとなっていると思います。これからも応援しています。 from Tsukuba, Japan

Noriko McLeer

2015-09-10 07:02


Kinue Oshima

2015-09-10 03:24

Naomi さんの勇気と行動を尊敬しています。この運動が世界中に届きますように!From Fukuyama, Japan

kawaguchi shinsuke

2015-09-10 02:34

Naomiさんの活動を応援してます。がんばってね!from Fukuoka-Japan.

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