Nopporn Bamrung

Nominated for


Nopporn Bamrung



Somchai Churatsami

2015-10-20 17:56

Nopporn a person works better work effectively both in the community and district level. He was committed to work as a dear colleague malaria are actively coordinating with both malaria and other diseases.

Namtip Trongnipatt

2015-10-20 05:24

Nopporn is nice and hard working person who works efficiently in both community- and district-levels. With his collaborative efforts, many malaria control and prevention activities could be promoted, monitored and maintained in his district. He has good malaria work attitudes and willing to learn and to apply any useful methodologies/technologies/researches to his malaria work. Without people like him, any malaria discovers/researches/innovations cannot be realistic and will not distributed to communities at risk.

Darin K

2015-10-15 23:11

With a goal of eliminating malaria from his community, Nopporn chosen the career path as district health officer so he can do something about it. Knowing that early diagnosis and treatment is important, Nopporn focused on making malaria services more available and friendly for both residents and Myanmar migrant workers. He trained and monitor volunteers to provide malaria services and education. He took the lead role to integrate malaria services with primary health services, making it the first district to offer integrated services in Thailand health system. This is an example of his forward thinking and collaborative spirits, and other districts health offices are now following. His energy and optimism to eliminate malaria is catching on beyond his community.

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