Sara Canavati


APMEN Secretariat 2015-06-12 06:30 Sara is a champion promoter of malaria elimination activities in the Asia Pacific region, and particularly her project work in Cambodia with Clinical Tropical Medicine Research, Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit. Sara regularly shares her own and other colleagues photos and tweets that relay the message of 'a malaria-free Asia Pacific by 2030'. She is a great example of when technical expertise combines with advocacy for malaria elimination. Deserving of a follow! #MFAP2030 I am also a co-administrator of the Facebook page of the World Federation of Parasitologists, along with Christopher Haggarty-Weir, where I share new knowledge on malaria issues. Kindly feel free to visit the Facebook page at: In my ten years working in South East Asia, I have also try very hard to connect my colleagues to the existing sources on advocacy of malaria (especially Facebook and Twitter). I have personally invited my colleagues to the Facebook pages and twitter accounts "ISGLOBAL - Barcelona Institute for Global Health", "The Shoklo Malaria Research Unit", "Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance - APLMA", and the "APMEN". Several hundreds of my colleagues have liked and follow these pages and they say they have been greatly benefited from it. I have also added email lists from out Cambodian Research Consortium to the Malaria Elimination Initiative/Global Health Group, University of California, San Francisco updates on innovative tools for malaria elimination. These are only brief examples of what I have done . Most importantly, I have used my own Facebook page to advocate for malaria elimination and share the latests updates in the region. Most of my friends are colleagues working in malaria in the Asia Pacific. Many say that my Facebook page acts as a closed group for all of us in the Asia Pacific working in malaria to share resources relevant to our field. I have my twitter and Facebook accounts linked as well so everything I twit it also goes to my Facebook page. I strongly believe that malaria advocacy is crucial for malaria elimination- the most important parasitic disease of humans.


Rath Khmer

2015-10-14 02:42

Yeah, well done Sara! Ms. Malaria fighter hope to see your champion.

Mam Boravann

2015-10-14 02:24

I have learned a lot from Sara's posts on her Facebook page. We are colleagues and we both work in Cambodia. I am so happy to receive almost daily updates on malaria issues from all around the world through my friend and colleague Sara.

malen chan

2015-10-14 01:59

I have followed Sara's Facebook. She is always update about Malaria research.It is very useful information for me. This is a reason that I want to support her.

Srean Chhim

2015-10-13 05:44

You deserve my vote . I usually read the articles you shared.

Jed Asiaii Dimaisip

2015-10-13 05:05

Sara is very passionate in fighting malaria. I have only seen her personally once but she always makes her advocacy known and her energy shines through. It is a great pleasure to know her.

Tatiana Metcalf

2015-10-07 17:45

Sara and I were in the PhdD program together at Mahidol University. I believe her desire to go into healthcare/public health was primarily to make an impact in the lives of others. She has always shown compassion towards those around her, particularly those who are ill and come from dire economic circumstances. Her passion and enthusiasm to get involved is genuine. The love that she has for this cause, finding a cure for Malaria, runs deep through years of commitment to improving the health of the people of Cambodia. Her promotion of dissemination of knowledge regarding this worthy cause via social media illustrates her dedication and desire to encourage people all over the world to act. I applaud her for her selfless hard work and endorse her without reservations for this award.

deepak jhamb

2015-09-07 04:35

I enthusiastically recommend Sara for this award as patience, courtesy and a winning manner are important for this award which she has demonstrated since I have known her (since 2008) . I have been always been impressed by her enthusiasm for global health research . She has been always a true leader to me, who never stops fighting for a better cause....

Liseth Luna

2015-09-02 15:01

Leading the fight against malaria from all fronts. Sarah is dedicated, motivated and passionate about malaria elimination. Keep fighting the good fight.

Manivanh Vongsouvath

2015-09-01 05:40

I strongly for Sara Canavati Which most of the time in her Facebook page are part of the malaria activity in the Asia-Pacific and her dedication with hard work to find a solution for the Malaria.

Monika Szwed

2015-07-24 08:43

I have known Sara since our M.Sc. course at Oxford University in the UK (since 2008) and always been impressed by her passion, (never ending) energy and enthusiasm for global health research and charity work on malaria awareness, prevention and treatment. She has been always a true (friend and) leader to me, who never stops fighting for a better future without malaria!

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